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News of the day

Rachel Ovens - Marketing Tutor

Whyy? Change appoints new Head of Marketing Programmes

We’re thrilled to announce that Rachel Ovens, has been appointed to the role of Head of Marketing Programmes. Rachel will be responsible for delivering the new Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Level 4 and Level 6 qualifications and marketing apprenticeship courses.
WhyyChange Highly Commended Training Provider of the Year

Whyy? Change Highly Commended at Prestigious Apprenticeship Awards

Whyy? Change South Yorkshire Apprenticeship Awards

Whyy? Change shortlisted for Training Provider of the Year Award

Greg Grabski - Head of Lean & Six Sigma

Introducing our Head of Lean & Six Sigma Greg Grabski

WhyyChange awarded CIM Commendation for Outstanding Marketing Results

Whyy? Change Commended by CIM for Outstanding Marketing Results